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Religion and Philosophy

Host: Adam Selene

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29643. wabbit - 9/25/2017 12:30:12 AM

Making atheism look better every day:

...The bifurcation of contemporary Christianity into two distinct branches is leaving the church all the poorer, with each side needing to be enriched by the biblical vision of the other...

29644. wabbit - 12/2/2018 4:02:08 PM

Just my opinion, but I say leave the body right where it is. If you insist on proselytizing to a people who are clearly not interested in entertaining your presence, you get to stay where you fall.

29645. Ms. No - 12/6/2018 8:23:14 PM

I wholeheartedly agree.

29646. arkymalarky - 12/7/2018 7:58:07 PM

Funny and not funny: When I first read wabbit post I thought she was talking about HW Bush.

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Religion and Philosophy

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