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29218. Ms. No - 9/28/2022 11:02:51 PM

I have some sad news, Moties. I just got a call from Keoni that our dear Judith passed away this morning.

Her sharp mind, her humor, and her generosity were a gift in my life. I will be missing my friend for a long time.

29219. arkymalarky - 9/29/2022 2:42:45 AM

Some of mine and Stan's best memories are of pleasant hours on our porch, great conversations, breakfasts and coffee with not a clock in sight. Judith had a wonderful way of making you appreciate being in the moment.

29220. arkymalarky - 9/29/2022 2:48:48 AM

Seamus! Hate the circumstances, but lovely to see you. Hope you're well!

29221. wabbit - 9/29/2022 12:29:52 PM

Oh, I am so sad to hear this news. Judith was so honest and kind. I was fortunate enough to have met her and recall a splendid afternoon of antiquing and general "junk shop" meandering with JaH and Arky, Judith had such an eye. I feel very sorry for Keoni, they were quite a couple.

Sigh. We're getting older.

29222. Ms. No - 9/29/2022 5:30:09 PM

Wabbit - it's good to see you even though the circumstances are sad. Drop me a line at my gmail when you get a chance. I'd love to catch up.

29223. arkymalarky - 9/29/2022 5:44:10 PM

Don't know if it was that trip or another that I was admiring a simple vintage chandelier and Judith arranged with my daughter to get it for me and it's hanging in our dining room.

29224. vonKreedon - 10/4/2022 10:38:22 PM

So very sorry to hear of Judith's death. More and more people I know die, one of the big downsides of aging. OTOH, one of the advantages of aging is that I haven't died.

29225. arkymalarky - 10/14/2022 7:41:20 PM

Hey VonK.

Just wanted to stop in and let everyone know my dad passed away on Wednesday. He went peacefully and kept conscious and talking up until the last few minutes. I'll miss him, But you can't ask for a more full and high quality life than what he had.

29226. vonKreedon - 10/15/2022 3:16:39 PM

My heart goes out to you, Arky, for your inevitable loss. Happy it was a good death.

29227. Ms. No - 10/25/2022 3:44:21 AM

Arky - yes, he did have a full and wonderful life. And of course his magnificent brain kept going until the last minute. Sad for your mom and you and the fam. I'll be thinking of you all.

29228. vonKreedon - 11/24/2022 9:31:25 PM

Happy US Thanksgiving everyone!

29229. vonKreedon - 12/25/2022 6:03:04 AM

Happy Winter Solstice and Merry Christmas you all.

29230. arkymalarky - 1/1/2023 7:03:19 AM

Happy new year Mote peeps! hope it's best one yet for all y'all!🍾🥂

29231. vonKreedon - 1/1/2023 7:45:55 AM

Happy New Year, Arky, and all the Moties.

29232. Ms. No - 1/2/2023 8:54:46 PM

Happy New Year! Hope 2023 is awesome for you all!

I recently had a conversation with someone complaining about how someone's teenage son doesn't have any "real" friends because he spends so much time on a headset gaming with people he's never met. "They could be child predators and he'd never know!!"

Kid's been on a headset gaming with these same friends for more than 3 years. He'd have known long before now.

I couldn't believe that more than 20 years after the advent of online communities I'm still having this argument about what constitutes a "real" friendship. It struck me how different most of my online activity is from so many of my peers. They're very into social media --- but primarily with people they know in-person. I suppose it's still a rarity to have an extended friend group of people you might not recognize if you passed on the street but with whom you still share important events in your life.

Still glad for the presence of Moties in my life!

29233. vonKreedon - 1/4/2023 4:38:05 AM

Happy New Year, Ms. No!

29234. resonance - 9/11/2023 10:01:06 PM

Godspeed, Adrianne.

This community’s, what, 26 years old? Lotta things in the world have changed since then. Odd to think about how few are left from the old Fray days.

29235. vonKreedon - 9/17/2023 1:54:07 AM

Hey, Res! I am sorry to hear of Ad's death. Amazing that this space has such inertia that it keeps going.

29236. resonance - 9/17/2023 6:00:27 PM

Hello, VonK! The early Fray really was a rare and special kinda place. This is its graveyard I suppose.

Nothing lasts forever but it was fun. Seems like a lifetime ago, maybe two. I struggle to connect with the person I was back then. Like that old saying, no man crosses the same river twice, because the river will have changed and so too the man.

Well, glad at least one person’s still checking in now and again.

29237. Ms. No - 10/9/2023 3:30:17 AM

Sad news about Ad. I'm sorry to hear it, but it's good to see you Resonance. I hope you're well.

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