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40040. jexster - 11/10/2008 10:59:47 PM

20% of Americans receive Medicaid...their benefits are being slashed..the CA GOP is trotting out their 30 year old NO NEW TAXES crap

And Bush illegally repealed the tax laws so he could give Wells Fargo $20 billion to buy Wachovia....the 2 billion the Spaniards and the Swiss banks got..pocket change

40041. David Ehrenstein - 11/10/2008 11:13:05 PM

James Franco says "No on 8!"

40042. jexster - 11/11/2008 2:00:44 AM

People assumed that Prop 8 could not possibly win and didn't bother to fight it.

I saw more of an effort put into the fight for the rights of caged chickens than I did in the effort to protect gay marriage.

Personally, unless Hollywood has more to offer me than Doogie Howser, I'd just as soon have eve back with Adam and Steve back in the bath house

40043. jexster - 11/11/2008 2:15:24 AM

40044. jexster - 11/11/2008 2:36:49 AM

Franklin Delano Obama?

40045. jexster - 11/11/2008 2:46:21 AM

The Wasilla Hillbillies

WASILLA, Alaska – Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin spent part of the weekend going through her clothing to determine what belongs to the Republican Party after it spent $150,000-plus on a wardrobe for the vice presidential nominee, according to Palin's father.

40046. jexster - 11/11/2008 2:47:25 AM

40047. jexster - 11/11/2008 3:22:11 AM

Big Names, Good Times at Annual American Bankers Bash in SF

40048. wonkers2 - 11/11/2008 3:43:48 AM

Jexter family reunion?

40049. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 11/11/2008 3:54:12 AM

If you missed 60 Minutes last night, this is worth the preceeding commercial.

Obama's inner circle . . .

40050. jexster - 11/11/2008 4:10:22 AM

Piglin Blames Bush for Defeat

40051. jexster - 11/11/2008 4:14:48 AM

The Integrity Ticket 2012

40052. jexster - 11/11/2008 4:20:51 AM

Back by popular demand.....

40053. wonkers2 - 11/11/2008 4:21:12 AM

Thanks for the video Wiz. But why wasn't Jex invited to the picnic?

40054. jexster - 11/11/2008 4:32:25 AM

I want to know why General Motors is now worth exactly $0.00

Then I want to see a letter to the New York Times

40055. jexster - 11/11/2008 4:33:13 AM

Then I want to know how much they're still paying you for 30 years of failure

40056. jexster - 11/11/2008 4:34:06 AM

40049 - Real thugs

40057. wonkers2 - 11/11/2008 4:39:17 AM

Too many Californians like Jexter who can't remember Pearl Harbor are buying Japanese cars, German wine and Eyetalian cheese.

Detroit Free Press

On a recent trip to Mexico when crossing the border at Nogales, an hour south of Tucson, there was a mile-long line of semi-trailer trucks waiting to enter the U.S. And how many were waiting on the U.S. side waiting to enter Mexico? Exactly zero. In San Francisco huge, fully loaded container ships can be seen every day headed for the port of Oakland where they unload and return empty across the Pacific to Asia. This caused me to reflect on the free trade ideology held by economists and the foreign policy establishment, Democrat and Republican alike, which has contributed to the dismantling of GM, Ford and Chrysler.

Until relatively recently I didn’t question the benefits of free trade and comparative advantage which I was taught in economics classes many years ago. However, Paul Krugman, our most recent Nobel Prize economist, pointed out recently that the theory of comparative advantage was originally applied among countries of comparable levels of economic development. He questioned the validity of the theory when applied between advanced countries such as the U.S. and developing countries like China, Mexico and Korea. The benefits of unfettered free trade are hard to see, for example in China where poorly paid workers work long hours in unsafe and unhealthful, polluting plants without the right to union representation and in the U.S. as well where thousands of auto workers have lost their jobs, and those who remain have suffered wage and benefit cuts. Allowing unlimited imports into the United States is clearly not in the interest U.S. auto workers or Michigan. And its benefit to the country is doubtful at best.

In my opinion, the time has come to turn off the spigot of unlimited vehicle imports and perhaps require foreign auto companies to locate their plants in Michigan, Ohio and other states where workers have been displaced by imports. Consideration could also be given to requiring or incentivizing foreign companies to re-open plants closed by U.S. auto companies rather than rewarding them for locating new plants in right-to-work states in the South. Failing these measures, much greater assistance for communities and displaced workers whose jobs are sacrificed on the altar of free trade in order to benefit American consumers is clearly in order.


40058. jexster - 11/11/2008 4:40:50 AM

Thirty years making junk

40059. wonkers2 - 11/11/2008 4:41:51 AM

U.S. Corporations Abroad

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Published: October 24, 2005

To the Editor:

Bob Herbert's Oct. 20 column, ''Rain Forest Jekyll and Hyde?,'' points to the need for Congress to devise ways to require American corporations operating in other countries to export their environmental and human resources technology along with their production technology.

The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act makes bribery of a foreign government official a crime under American law. Similar regulations are needed to prevent American companies or their contractors from exploiting child or adult labor in unsafe or inhumane working conditions in plants that pollute the environment.

Perhaps curbs on imports, similar to the ban on some Beluga caviar enacted by the Fish and Wildlife Service to protect endangered sturgeon, should be contemplated to protect endangered workers or environments.

The time has come to question whether the people of our country and the world are being well served by the doctrine of unalloyed free trade.


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