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7933. robertjayb - 11/8/2014 6:21:56 AM

HNGN.com poll:

Should "assisted suicide" (the "right to die" or "death with dignity") be an international unalienable right for all adults?

Yes, absolutely. 50% 1237 votes

Yes, but only for the very old or ill 23% 581 votes

No way. 19% 472 votes

I'm not sure. 6% 153 votes

7934. arkymalarky - 11/8/2014 4:58:07 PM

And it goes beyond that in ways that are IMO just inhumane. I read an article some time back describing how they do pointless surgeries (not for symptom or pain relief) on the elderly, in one example wheeling a bedridden 90something year old man who had terminal cancer to have surgery. Stan's mother had a similar experience being sold a procedure with a high success rate on paper (you live and the valve works) with a low one in reality--recovering from the surgery to a quality of life. she was a statistical success who went quickly from the or to the nursing home with a miserable existence as a result of the surgery.

7935. arkymalarky - 11/8/2014 5:02:27 PM

she was not an isolated exception, yet the drs actually "sell" the surgery by showing videos of before and after (decrepit little old lady to puttering cook and gardener) rather than setting families down and talking about how likely one is to get that result at that age.

7937. arkymalarky - 11/8/2014 5:05:39 PM

they also told her that without it she could drop dead any time, which she would have picked over the hell she's living now with no hope of improvement and no clue when she will die. these nursing homes are filled with sybils like her.

7939. judithathome - 11/9/2014 8:39:31 PM

these nursing homes are filled with sybils like her.

Excellent phrase...unfortunately true but beautifully phrased, all the same.

7940. arkymalarky - 11/9/2014 8:55:48 PM

thank you! where and how you spend your final days (years) shouldn't be so depressing your family dreads going there to visit you.

7941. robertjayb - 11/10/2014 5:53:55 PM

Isn't there a pill?

A much-admired Green Bay relative died last winter with multiple problems, mostly heart. He was a longtime dying, caught in a seemingly endless and exhausting loop of EMTs to ER to hospital to back home. Repeat.

He had hospice and constant attention from his five surviving children. His wife and a son died the year before. Toward the end, in hospital once more he asked a doctor, with relatives present, if there wasn't a pill that would
"end all this."

7942. robertjayb - 11/10/2014 6:44:22 PM


    Her job is to help you die a 'good death'

This CNN article is worth a read. Sorry. My linking skill has vanished.

7943. arkymalarky - 11/10/2014 6:57:30 PM

I'm always on my phone, so I hardly ever post hyperlinks any more. Now, you can just click on them and go there without posting the hyperlink anyway in most browsers. I have a cap on my internet at home, and don't want to get on the work computers, and spend so much time away from computers anyway, that my phone is my computer now pretty much.

7944. arkymalarky - 11/10/2014 6:58:32 PM

I'm sorry for your relative, and what he had to go through.

7945. judithathome - 11/10/2014 8:46:01 PM

Robert's CNN Link

7946. judithathome - 11/24/2014 12:30:22 AM

Hey, heads up!

Generic Drug Costs Go Out The Roof!

Among the drugs cited by Sanders and Cummings was a popular asthma medication, albuterol sulfate, which increased in price over 40 fold for two tablets, from $11 to $434, between October 2013 and April 2014, according to data from the Healthcare Supply Chain Association, a trade association representing multi-hospital systems, health care provider alliances and purchasing groups, among others.

Another drug, an antibiotic called doxycycline hyclate, rose in price from an average of $20 to $1,849 per bottle between October 2013 and April 2014 -- a more-than 90-fold increase -- according to data from the association.

7947. arkymalarky - 11/24/2014 1:42:09 AM

Crap! I use an albuterol inhaler, but I haven't bought one in a few weeks.

7948. Ms. No - 11/24/2014 11:20:30 PM

I got one recently and it was still $10 because that's dictated by my insurance company. I have no idea what THEY paid for it, though.

7949. judithathome - 12/24/2014 10:31:27 PM

For some reason, I am more bummed this "season" than I have ever been...it's just the friggin' pits.

Merry fucking Christmas.

7950. arkymalarky - 12/24/2014 11:50:23 PM

Oh man. I hate that. Why don't y'all take a short road trip and come watch the razorback u_t game with us on the 29th?

7951. wabbit - 12/25/2014 3:59:38 PM

I'm with you JaH, this Christmas sucks for a lot of reasons. The worst for me is that I've lost my cat. My last furchild was put down Tuesday night. She was probably close to 18 years old, hyperthyroid, had pancreatitis, huge adrenal glands, an enlarged heart and a host of other problems. When a blood transfusion didn't help, it was time, but of the many furs I've had to make this decision for, she was the hardest. I miss her, she's been with me for 14 years. My house has never been so empty. This is the first time in about forty years that I've been completely alone.

I'll spend an hour or two with a cousin and his family later today. They are animal people and his daughter is a vet tech, so they'll understand. My brother will help me bury her tomorrow morning.

In time I will share digs with a new fur or two and the house will be a home again.

I hope everyone enjoys the holidays.

7952. arkymalarky - 12/25/2014 6:02:21 PM

Oh Wabbit! I'm so sorry!

I sent you an email a couple of days ago, but I bet to the wrong address.

7953. judithathome - 12/28/2014 8:01:25 PM

Oh Wabbit...sending out condolences from us, too....

I remember when Pele got onto us for mourning the loss of pets but despite his remarks, we ALL understand how sad a time this can be.

7954. wabbit - 12/30/2014 11:34:38 PM

Thank you both. Still sad here, can't get used to not having the furchild.

I pity people who cannot empathize. For those who choose not to empathize and don't have grace to keep it to themselves, well, I think about as much of them as I do of people who tip 10% to the nickle.

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